O Levels/IGCSE Chemistry lesson plan 1.2

Lesson Plan: States of matter– Diffusion (O Levels/IGCSE)

Lesson 1: Diffusion and Kinetic Particle Theory

ObjectiveDescribe and explain diffusion in terms of kinetic particle theory.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Demonstration: Spray perfume at one end of the room; students describe how they can smell it over time.- Main (25 mins): Explain diffusion using particle motion (high concentration to low concentration). Show an animation of gas particles diffusing. Discuss real-life examples (e.g., cooking smells, tea diffusing in water).- Plenary (10 mins): Q&A session: Why does diffusion occur faster in gases than in liquids?
ResourcesPerfume spray, diffusion animation/video, Cambridge IGCSE Chemistry textbook.
Time40 minutes total: 5 mins (Starter) + 25 mins (Main) + 10 mins (Plenary).
HomeworkResearch and write down three examples of diffusion in daily life.
AssessmentStudents complete a short worksheet explaining diffusion using kinetic particle theory.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Chemistry 0620/41/M/J/20 Q1(d) – Explaining diffusion using kinetic particle theory.

Lesson 2: Effect of Relative Molecular Mass on Diffusion

ObjectiveDescribe and explain the effect of relative molecular mass on the rate of diffusion of gases.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Discuss: Why does helium escape from balloons faster than oxygen?- Main (25 mins): Conduct a demonstration with two gases of different molecular masses (e.g., ammonia and hydrogen chloride in a glass tube) to show diffusion rates. Explain how lighter gases diffuse faster due to higher velocity (using Graham’s Law conceptually).- Plenary (10 mins): Students analyze the demonstration and explain their observations.
ResourcesGlass tube, cotton soaked in ammonia and hydrochloric acid, stopwatches, diagrams of molecular mass.
Time40 minutes total: 5 mins (Starter) + 25 mins (Main) + 10 mins (Plenary).
HomeworkSolve numerical problems to compare diffusion rates of two gases using relative molecular mass.
AssessmentQuiz: Explain why hydrogen diffuses faster than oxygen with reference to molecular mass.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Chemistry 0620/41/O/N/19 Q1(c) – Effect of molecular mass on diffusion.

Notes for Teachers:

  1. Ensure demonstrations are performed safely and in a well-ventilated area.
  2. Use animations or videos if certain resources (e.g., glass tubes) are unavailable.
  3. Encourage students to relate diffusion to real-world scenarios to solidify understanding.


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