O Levels/IGCSE Biology Lesson Plan 18.3

Topic: Selection

Lesson 1: Natural Selection

Objective– Understand the concept of natural selection and how it leads to adaptation.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Show an example (e.g., peppered moth) to illustrate survival based on adaptation.
Main (25 mins): 1. Define natural selection and its key processes: genetic variation, overproduction of offspring, struggle for survival, survival of the fittest, and inheritance of advantageous traits.
2. Discuss examples such as Darwin’s finches.
Plenary (10 mins): Students summarize the steps of natural selection in their own words.
ResourcesVideos/diagrams of examples like peppered moths or finches, whiteboard for explanations.
Time40 minutes
HomeworkResearch and write an example of natural selection in another species.
AssessmentClass participation in explaining the stages of natural selection.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Biology 0610/22/M/J/19 Q5(a).

Lesson 2: Selective Breeding

Objective– Describe the process of selective breeding and its applications.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Ask students to brainstorm traits that humans breed for in animals (e.g., dairy cows) and plants (e.g., high-yield crops).
Main (25 mins): 1. Explain selective breeding: choosing parents with desirable traits, breeding them, and selecting the best offspring for further breeding.
2. Discuss applications, such as improving crop yields and animal productivity.
Plenary (10 mins): Students suggest traits for selective breeding in a chosen crop or animal.
ResourcesImages or examples of selectively bred plants/animals (e.g., golden rice, Belgian Blue cattle).
Time40 minutes
HomeworkWrite an explanation of how a specific plant or animal has been improved through selective breeding.
AssessmentStudents’ ability to describe the steps of selective breeding.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Biology 0610/32/O/N/20 Q4(a).

Lesson 3: Natural vs. Artificial Selection

Objective– Compare natural and artificial selection and understand their implications.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Discuss the difference between a naturally occurring trait and one modified by humans.
Main (25 mins): 1. Create a comparison chart of natural selection vs. artificial selection (e.g., agent of selection, timescale, examples).
2. Discuss antibiotic resistance as an example of natural selection and how it impacts human health.
Plenary (10 mins): Students debate the advantages and disadvantages of artificial selection.
ResourcesComparison charts, examples of natural (e.g., antibiotic resistance) and artificial (e.g., GM crops) selection.
Time40 minutes
HomeworkWrite a short essay on the advantages and risks of artificial selection.
AssessmentStudents’ ability to articulate differences between natural and artificial selection.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Biology 0610/41/M/J/21 Q3(b).

Key Notes for Teachers:

  • Provide relatable examples for both natural and artificial selection.
  • Highlight the importance of genetic variation in evolution and selective breeding.

Key Notes for Students:

  • Natural selection occurs naturally, favoring traits that improve survival.
  • Artificial selection is human-driven, aiming to enhance desirable traits in plants and animals.
  • Antibiotic resistance is a modern example of natural selection in bacteria.


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