O Levels/IGCSE Physics Lesson Plan 4.3

Topic: Electric Circuits

4.3.1 Circuit Diagrams and Components

Lesson 1: Introduction to Circuit Components

Objective– Identify and interpret symbols for common circuit components.– Understand the behavior of components such as cells, resistors, switches, thermistors, LDRs, and fuses in a circuit.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Show a simple circuit diagram and ask students to identify the components.Main (25 mins): 1. Introduce common circuit symbols (e.g., cells, batteries, resistors, switches).2. Discuss the behavior of key components, such as fixed and variable resistors, thermistors, and LDRs, and their real-life applications.3. Practice drawing circuit diagrams using these components.Plenary (10 mins): Students draw a circuit diagram based on a given description.
ResourcesCircuit diagrams, symbol charts, whiteboard for practice.
Time40 minutes
HomeworkDraw a circuit diagram containing a battery, lamp, switch, and ammeter, and label the components.
AssessmentStudents correctly identify and draw circuit components during the plenary.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Physics 0625/31/M/J/19 Q4(a).

Lesson 2: Advanced Circuit Components

Objective– Draw and interpret circuit diagrams containing diodes and LEDs.– Understand how diodes and LEDs behave in circuits.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Show a practical example of an LED in use and ask students to identify its role in the circuit.Main (25 mins): 1. Introduce the symbols for diodes and LEDs.2. Explain how diodes allow current to flow in one direction only and how LEDs emit light when conducting.3. Practice drawing circuits with diodes and LEDs.Plenary (10 mins): Students explain the function of a diode in a given circuit diagram.
ResourcesDiodes, LEDs, circuit diagrams, whiteboard for practice.
Time40 minutes
HomeworkResearch one real-life application of LEDs and write a paragraph explaining its advantages.
AssessmentStudents identify the behavior of diodes and LEDs during discussions.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Physics 0625/42/O/N/20 Q5(a).

4.3.2 Series and Parallel Circuits

Lesson 3: Series Circuits

Objective– Understand that the current at every point in a series circuit is the same.– Calculate the combined resistance of resistors in series.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Show a simple series circuit and ask students what happens to the current if more components are added.Main (25 mins): 1. Explain the properties of series circuits (e.g., same current at all points, combined resistance is the sum of individual resistances).2. Demonstrate and calculate combined resistance in a series circuit.Plenary (10 mins): Students solve a problem involving current and resistance in a series circuit.
ResourcesCircuit components (battery, resistors, ammeter), worksheets with calculations.
Time40 minutes
HomeworkSolve numerical problems involving current and resistance in series circuits.
AssessmentStudents calculate resistance in series circuits and explain current flow during the activity.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Physics 0625/31/M/J/20 Q6(b).

Lesson 4: Parallel Circuits

Objective– Understand that the total current from the source is larger than the current in each branch.– State that the combined resistance of resistors in parallel is less than that of any single resistor.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Show a parallel circuit with two branches and ask students to predict the current in each branch.Main (25 mins): 1. Explain the properties of parallel circuits (e.g., current splits at junctions, combined resistance is less than any single resistor).2. Demonstrate current measurement in each branch and calculate total current.3. Discuss the advantages of parallel connections in lighting circuits.Plenary (10 mins): Students calculate total resistance in a parallel circuit.
ResourcesParallel circuit setup, ammeters, resistors, worksheets for calculations.
Time40 minutes
HomeworkSolve numerical problems involving current and resistance in parallel circuits.
AssessmentStudents calculate total resistance and explain current flow during the activity.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Physics 0625/42/M/J/19 Q6(a).

4.3.3 Action and Use of Circuit Components

Lesson 5: Potential Divider and Variable Resistance

Objective– Understand that p.d. across a conductor increases with resistance for a constant current.– Describe the action of a variable potential divider.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Show a circuit with a variable resistor and ask how it can be used to control brightness in a lamp.Main (25 mins): 1. Explain how a potential divider works by varying the p.d. across components.2. Demonstrate the use of a variable resistor in a circuit to adjust p.d.3. Introduce the formula for two resistors used as a potential divider: R1R2=V1V2\frac{R_1}{R_2} = \frac{V_1}{V_2}.Plenary (10 mins): Students solve a problem involving a potential divider circuit.
ResourcesCircuit components, variable resistors, worksheets for calculations.
Time40 minutes
HomeworkSolve numerical problems using the potential divider formula.
AssessmentStudents demonstrate the effect of a variable resistor on a circuit during the activity.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Physics 0625/31/O/N/20 Q5(c).


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