O Levels/IGCSE Biology Lesson Plan 21.3

Topic: Genetic Modification

Lesson 1: Introduction to Genetic Modification

Objective– Describe genetic modification as changing an organism’s genetic material by removing, changing, or inserting individual genes.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Show before-and-after pictures of GM crops (e.g., golden rice) and ask: “What do you notice?”
Main (25 mins): 1. Define genetic modification.
2. Explain how genes are removed, altered, or inserted.
3. Discuss examples: GM bacteria producing insulin, herbicide-resistant crops.
Plenary (10 mins): Quick quiz: Match genetic modification examples to their purposes.
ResourcesCase studies of GM organisms, diagrams showing GM techniques, quiz sheets.
Time40 minutes
HomeworkResearch an example of a genetically modified organism and list its advantages and disadvantages.
AssessmentClass discussion and quiz results.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Biology 0610/21/O/N/17 Q6(b).

Lesson 2: Process of Genetic Modification

Objective– Outline the process of genetic modification using bacterial production of a human protein as an example.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Display an image of insulin production via bacteria. Ask: “How is this possible?”
Main (25 mins): 1. Explain the steps of genetic modification: isolation of DNA, cutting plasmid with restriction enzymes, insertion with ligase, recombinant plasmids, bacterial multiplication, and protein production.
2. Use a flow diagram to explain each step.
Plenary (10 mins): Students create their own flow diagrams summarizing the process.
ResourcesVisual aids (flow charts, diagrams), restriction enzyme models, sticky notes for flow diagrams.
Time40 minutes
HomeworkCreate a poster illustrating the genetic modification process for insulin production.
AssessmentFlow diagrams and homework posters.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Biology 0610/42/M/J/19 Q2(b).

Lesson 3: Applications and Controversies in Genetic Modification

Objective– Outline examples of genetic modification in crops and discuss the advantages and disadvantages of GM crops.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Display examples of GM foods (e.g., soya, maize). Ask: “What are the benefits of modifying these crops?”
Main (25 mins): 1. Discuss examples: herbicide-resistant crops, pest-resistant crops, golden rice for better nutrition.
2. Debate: Advantages (increased yield, reduced pesticide use) vs. disadvantages (ethical concerns, environmental risks).
Plenary (10 mins): Students write a summary paragraph: “Do the benefits of GM crops outweigh the risks?”
ResourcesGM crop case studies, pros and cons handouts, whiteboard for debate points.
Time40 minutes
HomeworkResearch and write a one-page essay on how GM crops could address food insecurity.
AssessmentDebate participation and essay submission.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Biology 0610/32/O/N/18 Q5(a).

Key Notes for Teachers:

  • Engagement: Use real-world examples (e.g., golden rice, Bt cotton) to relate to students’ experiences.
  • Practical Links: Incorporate visual aids for complex processes like DNA manipulation.
  • Differentiation: Provide advanced learners with additional reading on CRISPR technology.


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