O Levels/IGCSE Physics Lesson Plan 3.2

Topic: Light

3.2.1 Reflection of Light

Lesson 1: Laws of Reflection

Objective– Define and use the terms normal, angle of incidence, and angle of reflection.– Understand that the angle of incidence equals the angle of reflection.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Show a simple reflection using a plane mirror and ask students to describe what they observe.Main (25 mins): 1. Define key terms: normal, angle of incidence, and angle of reflection.2. Demonstrate how to measure these angles using a ray box and a protractor.3. Explain the law of reflection and validate it with a practical experiment.Plenary (10 mins): Students summarize the law of reflection with diagrams.
ResourcesPlane mirror, ray box, protractor, whiteboard for diagrams.
Time40 minutes
HomeworkDraw a ray diagram showing the reflection of light from a plane mirror and label the normal, angle of incidence, and angle of reflection.
AssessmentStudents explain and demonstrate the law of reflection during the experiment.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Physics 0625/21/M/J/20 Q2(b).

Lesson 2: Optical Images in Plane Mirrors

Objective– Describe the formation and characteristics of an optical image by a plane mirror.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Ask students if they see themselves “exactly the same” in a mirror and why.Main (25 mins): 1. Demonstrate the formation of an image using a plane mirror.2. Explain the characteristics of the image (same size, same distance, virtual, laterally inverted).3. Use ray diagrams to illustrate how the image is formed.Plenary (10 mins): Students describe the characteristics of images formed by plane mirrors.
ResourcesPlane mirror, object (e.g., candle or pencil), ray diagram worksheet.
Time40 minutes
HomeworkDraw and label a ray diagram to show how an image is formed in a plane mirror.
AssessmentStudents explain the image formation and its characteristics during the plenary and through their ray diagrams.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Physics 0625/22/M/J/19 Q3(b).

3.2.2 Refraction of Light

Lesson 3: Introduction to Refraction

Objective– Define and use the terms normal, angle of incidence, and angle of refraction.– Understand the concept of refraction as the bending of light due to speed changes.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Show a pencil in a glass of water and ask why it appears bent.Main (25 mins): 1. Define key terms: normal, angle of incidence, and angle of refraction.2. Demonstrate refraction using a glass block and ray box.3. Use diagrams to show light bending at the boundary between two media.Plenary (10 mins): Students explain why light bends when entering a denser medium.
ResourcesGlass block, ray box, protractor, whiteboard for diagrams.
Time40 minutes
HomeworkDraw a ray diagram showing refraction through a rectangular glass block.
AssessmentStudents identify and explain the angles of incidence and refraction during the experiment.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Physics 0625/31/O/N/20 Q3(a).

Lesson 4: Critical Angle and Total Internal Reflection

Objective– Define the critical angle and describe internal and total internal reflection.– Understand applications of total internal reflection, such as optical fibers.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Show a demonstration of a laser beam reflecting inside a plastic tube and ask students why it stays inside.Main (25 mins): 1. Define the critical angle and total internal reflection.2. Demonstrate total internal reflection using a semi-circular glass block.3. Explain applications of total internal reflection (e.g., optical fibers).Plenary (10 mins): Students summarize the conditions required for total internal reflection.
ResourcesSemi-circular glass block, ray box, laser pointer, diagrams of optical fibers.
Time40 minutes
HomeworkResearch one application of optical fibers and write a short paragraph explaining it.
AssessmentStudents explain the concept of total internal reflection during the plenary and describe its applications.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Physics 0625/42/M/J/19 Q4(c).

3.2.3 Thin Lenses

Lesson 5: Action of Thin Lenses

Objective– Describe the action of thin converging and diverging lenses on a parallel beam of light.– Define focal length, principal axis, and principal focus.
ActivitiesStarter (5 mins): Show a magnifying glass and ask how it makes objects appear larger.Main (25 mins): 1. Explain the difference between converging and diverging lenses.2. Use diagrams to show how each lens affects parallel light rays.3. Define focal length and principal focus.Plenary (10 mins): Students draw and label diagrams of converging and diverging lenses.
ResourcesConvex and concave lenses, ray box, lens diagrams.
Time40 minutes
HomeworkDraw ray diagrams showing the action of converging and diverging lenses on parallel light rays.
AssessmentStudents explain the action of each lens and complete diagrams during the plenary.
Past Paper PracticeIGCSE Physics 0625/32/O/N/20 Q3(b).


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